6 More Immune System Strengtheners You Can Drink in Tea
#1: Vanilla Is a Valuable Immune System Booster
The antibacterial properties in vanilla can boost the immune system! Vanilla is full of antioxidants, which can help prevent the breakdown of cells and tissues while stimulating their regrowth. It also lowers stress on the body, allowing you to recover from illness much quicker.
Our Vanilla Pods Come from India
Organic vanilla pods are harvested from the orchid, Vanilla planifolia. Like many orchids, vanilla is a difficult plant to grow. To ensure the production of pods, each individual flower must be pollinated by hand. This makes natural, organic vanilla a luxurious and expensive ingredient.
Rather than using real vanilla, many mass-produced cakes and ice creams contain synthetic vanilla made from paper manufacturing waste. The flavour of natural vanilla pods is infinitely more rich and complex.
Try a freshly brewed cup of Golden Vanilla tea to experience the mouth-watering aroma and creamy aftertaste of the best organic vanilla.
#2 Black Tea for The Immune System Win!
Black tea is really good for boosting the immune system. It gives the body what it needs to fight harmful viruses and bacteria, and this helps to protect it from flues and fevers. Black tea’s antioxidants also increase the number of white blood cells.
Our Black Tea Nam Lanh Is from Vietnam
It wasn’t easy to find the perfect black tea for our Masala Chai tea recipe. After tasting and rejecting a wide range of Assam teas, we finally settled on Black Tea Nam Lanh.
Cultivated by traditional, indigenous growers in Vietnam’s Yen Bai province, Nam Lanh tea has impressive environmental credentials. In addition to having organic certification, Nam Lanh tea is grown as a sustainable alternative to the industrial development that threatens the region’s ancient rainforest.
Black Tea Nam Lanh has the malty body of a traditional Assam tea without the harsh tannins that can clash with subtle spices.
#3: Coconut is So Beneficial to The Immune System
Coconut Oil contains a natural antiviral called lauric acid, which is antibacterial and anti-fungal. Coconut also boosts any weak immune system by helping the body fight viruses by improving the white blood cell counts.
Our Desiccated Coconut Comes from Spain
From Pina Colada cocktails to exotic desserts and chocolate bars, most of us are familiar with the tropical fragrance of the fruit of Cocos nucifera – the coconut palm.
Coconut flesh has a sweet, creamy flavour and a flaky texture. It's an irresistible combination that makes coconut a popular ingredient in curries and cakes.
Our organic desiccated coconut is a convenient, dried form of coconut flesh used in all our Taka tea recipes. As well as giving our teas a hint of tropical fragrance, desiccated coconut also adds notes of creamy sweetness.
#4: Fennel Is an Immune System Booster
Fennel seeds boost the immune system as they are high in antimicrobial properties, automatically improving many health areas. Fennel seeds are extremely rich in vitamin C. This strong antioxidant is very valuable in keeping the immune system strong. Fennel is a superfood: it also aids in liver function and improves heart rate. Plus, it is delicious!
Our Fennel Is Grown in Egypt
According to 'Culpeper's Complete Herbal', an early English encyclopaedia of healing herbs, fennel is “an herb of Mercury, and under Virgo, and therefore bears antipathy to Pisces."
We're not sure what all that means. Still, we do know that fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) adds a subtle hint of aniseed to some of our most deliciously spiced Taka Turmeric teas!
A relative of the humble carrot, fennel has a much more exotic flavour. As well as being an important ingredient in Indian and Middle Eastern cookery, fennel also pops up in scrumptious salads throughout Europe.
#5: Yummy Liquorice Can Help Boost Your Immune System
Liquorice root has antioxidant, antiviral, anti-infection and anti-inflammatory properties. The extract of this amazing root not only gives a vibrant health boost to your precious immune system but also aids the organs, including your liver and lungs.
Our Liquorice Hails from Spain
Often compared to aniseed or fennel, we find that liquorice has a richer, more wholesome flavour. Our organic liquorice is made from the woody roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra. This two-metre-tall shrub thrives in sunny climates across Asia and Europe.
Liquorice is a mouth-watering, flavoursome herb that appears in many Eastern countries' folklore and foods. The properties of liquorice root are mentioned in the English herbal encyclopaedia, 'Culpeper's Complete Herbal', published in 1653.
As well as delivering a deliciously wholesome aftertaste, liquorice helps to blend and balance the spicy flavours in our 100% organic teas.
#6: Oranges Are Immune System Turbochargers
Oranges are not only refreshing and amazingly delicious, but they are also rich in Vitamin C, which is essential for boosting your immune system. Use it to fend off colds and infections. Sidebar: Vitamin C also contributes to collagen formation, which is great for healthy skin!
Our Orange Peel Hails from Spain
It's surprising that orange trees aren’t found growing naturally in the wild. All modern orange trees can trace their ancestry back to China, under the reign of the mythical Yellow Emperor, around 2500 BC.
While the juice of the orange is deliciously sweet, orange peel is rich in perfumed essential oils. Orange peel oils have a bittersweet, tart flavour. The oils also carry a more zingy citrus aroma that makes oranges so temptingly fragrant.
It takes expert blending to harmonise the bittersweet perfume of organic orange peel with the exquisite spices in our fruity Taka tea recipes!
And lastly We have to repeat that …
Turmeric Is a Top Immune System Power-Booster.
Turmeric is a natural way to help bolster the immune system. Curcumin is the orange-yellow turmeric component known for its abundance of anti-inflammatory effects. Curcumin is a potent immunomodulatory agent and has been known to be highly effective both as a treatment as well as to stave off those dreaded, dreaded lurgies before they can land!
Turmeric is a cornerstone ingredient in our full range of Taka Turmeric teas and drinks. For dedicated Turmeric fans, we even produce our own organic Taka Turmeric capsules with black pepper extract!
Check out our Turmeric Capsule: a pop of gorgeous glow in a 100% organic capsule.
Our Turmeric-Based Teas Are Packed with Immune System Power Boosters!
Masala Chai tea bag ingredients are Turmeric, Black Tea Nam Lanh, Ceylon Cinnamon, Desiccated Coconut, Cardamom, Fennel, Black Pepper, and Clove.
The ingredients of Rooibos & Vanilla tea are Turmeric, Rooibos, Desiccated Coconut, Ceylon Cinnamon, Liquorice, Vanilla Pod, Star Anise, and Black Pepper.
The ingredients of Ginger & Lemon tea are Turmeric, Ginger, Desiccated Coconut, Lemon Peel, Rose Hip, Fenugreek, and Black Pepper.
Hibiscus & Cinnamon tea bag ingredients are Hibiscus, Turmeric, Desiccated Coconut, Ceylon Cinnamon, Liquorice, Orange Peel, Star Anise, Clove, Black Pepper.
You can order these easily right here on our website. Click here for our online tea shop. Our warehouses uphold strict sanitation measures, and we will get your tea to you safely and swiftly.
To your vibrant health!
The Taka Tea(m)