Answering Your Questions About Turmeric

Hello, healthy friends!

We are so passionate about the wonder-root that is Turmeric, that we like to explore it from every angle. But for those of you wanting a foundational understanding, this is the blog post for YOU.

Tumeric supplements

What Is Turmeric Known to Help With? 

Curcumin prevents and treats a number of ailments. In India, Turmeric has been an ingredient in simple home remedies and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Curcumin is a pain-reliever and a detoxifier. It is beneficial for the heart, stomach, liver, and even the skin. Its activity has been demonstrated against various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

Does Turmeric Heal or Just Mask the Symptoms?

Turmeric does both – particularly where inflammation is involved. Inflammation is a natural response to injury or, in some cases, disease, and is the body’s normal reaction. However, when inflammation becomes chronic, it is thought to be an underlying cause of many modern-day medical conditions.

Turmeric reduces inflammation, can heal or at the very least assist in healing some conditions, and in other chronic conditions where damage has already been done, it helps to slow progression, relieve pain, and support the body’s repair processes.

Tumeric root

Why Does Whole Turmeric Beat Curcumin Extracts?

We recommend consuming Turmeric in its natural form, rather than taking a lab-produced extract of isolated curcumin, which makes up only 3-5% of Turmeric. There are hundreds of beneficial compounds in Turmeric that work together, providing numerous benefits. 

The 95% Curcumin Extract is often too concentrated and potent for our bodies to handle over long periods, so we believe it’s safer and more beneficial to stick with whole Turmeric root.

Why Is It So Important to Use Organic Turmeric?

Turmeric is a root, and roots act like sponges, absorbing nutrients and goodness from the soil. Unfortunately, they also absorb chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals commonly found in non-organic farming. This is why we feel the safest option, especially if you’re taking Turmeric daily, is to opt for certified organic only.

Tumeric latte and turmeric capsules

How Much Turmeric Can One Consume Daily?

Everyone reacts differently to natural remedies, so the daily Turmeric dosage will vary. A standard intake is 1-3g (1000-3000mg) of dried Turmeric root powder per day. Although Turmeric is very safe, 4-6 grams a day can be taken without issues. If you’re new to Turmeric, start with a smaller amount and gradually increase it.

Why Is It Recommended to Consume Turmeric Little and Often?

Turmeric is a food source and typically stays in the system for 4 to 8 hours, depending on individual metabolism. When taking Turmeric for therapeutic reasons, we recommend small, frequent doses throughout the day for optimal results.

Taka Turmeric Joint Care

Why Has Taka Turmeric Added Black Pepper to All the Recipes?

Peppercorns contain an enzyme called Piperine, which slows the digestion of Turmeric, allowing more time for the curcumin to be absorbed into the bloodstream. This is why all Taka beverages include a touch of black pepper, and our capsules contain black pepper extract, to enhance curcumin’s bioavailability.

Why Has Taka Turmeric Added Coconut to All the Recipes?

Turmeric is fat-soluble, meaning it doesn’t fully dissolve unless combined with fat. When it doesn’t dissolve well, curcumin struggles to reach the gut, where the immune system operates. Studies show that Turmeric is at least seven times more effective when consumed with fat. This is why all Taka beverages include natural fat, in the form of coconut oil, to optimise curcumin absorption, and why we recommend taking Turmeric capsules with a meal.

Click here for our online tea shop.

And while you’re there, why not try our Turmeric Capsules – a pop of vibrant health, in 100% organic capsules.

To Your Vibrant Health and Beauty!

The Taka Team


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